The Sweaty Life

Sweating my way through 365 days of workouts!

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360, 361, 362, 363, 364, and 365: FINISHED!!!

FINISHEDDDDDD!!!! I can’t believe it is done.  365 days later, I have worked out and sweated everyday, regardless of what else I was doing in life.  Thanks to everyone who has followed me throughout this journey, encouraged me, and sweated with me! In 2013, I completed both my Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Health, I started a fulltime job, I got engaged!!!, I was in a wedding (including a bachelorette party to Miami), I took a couple of family vacations, and a slew of other things.  I’ve managed to maintain, build and create new relationships.  I’ve had to examine what my priorities are because, yes there are still only 24 hours in a day.  It has forced me to be really intentional with my time which is a good thing!  Just like working out really hard for 20 minutes is just as beneficial, if not more, as working out moderately for a long time, the same goes for everything else in your life.  Just because I spend 3 hours versus 30 minutes on something or someone, doesn’t mean that it is better quality.  2013 has been a year of self examination and dedication and after completing this goal, I really feel like I can do anything!  I took each day, one at a time, slowly chipping away at a bigger picture and before I knew it, I had done 1 month 2 months, 6 months, and 12 months!  What will I do during my first day of freedom??? I thought about not working out at all.  I may, or I may not!  But it has really become a part of my life and routine, I almost feel like I HAVE to do something.  I have already signed up for a half marathon in February and after I’m done with that, I have 3 months to get into tip-top wedding shape!!!  I did not workout yesterday (January 1), but I was back at it today.  It has become such a part of my routine, it was weird doing absolutely nothing yesterday.  I’m still examining my fitness goals for this year.  I figured I would take a few days to just be, and then think of my next goal.  Here’s a look at what I did the last few days of 2013.

Thursday: 3 mile run.  I ran a few miles after work.

Friday: Crossfit.  I met a coworker from lululemon at Crossfit in the evening.  I really wasn’t feeling it, thank goodness for accountability!

Saturday: 5 mile run.  I ran a drizzly 5 miles before grabbing a hot breakfast!

Sunday: 4 mile run.  Before doing a few errands, I ran a few more miles with a friend.

Monday: Bootcamp.  The first 20 minutes was pushing a sled up and down the football field.  Tough work!

Tuesday: 45 minute walk.  I ended the year on a calm note before celebrating the end of the year with a couple of friends.

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Day 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, and 359

The year has almost come to an end.  This time last year, I was creating this little blog, and figuring out just how I was going to manage 365 days of sweat.  Well, I only 6 more days left.  Monday night, I flew home for Christmas and I flew back bright and early this morning.  I will do my workout for today, sometime this afternoon.  Last week I almost reached my goal of doing crossfit 3 times, running 3 times, and doing yoga once.  After my 12 days of Christmas workout on Friday, I needed some yoga rather than a run so I improvised.

Wednesday: Crossfit.  This workout wasn’t extremely difficult.  It was 5 rounds of pull-ups, pistols, and sit-ups.  However, the kicker was every 3 minutes you had to stop where you were and run a 100 meter sprint.  Then, once you were finished you had to do planks and continue to run every 3 minutes until everyone else finished.

Thursday: Run.  I got in a few miles with a friend before a birthday dinner.

Friday: Crossfit.  It was another 12 days of Christmas workout.  This one included front squats, thrusters, and ground-to-overhead movements.  I made it part way through round 11 before the time ran out.

Saturday: I did some yoga at home to stretch out my muscles from 3 days of more intense workouts.  I was so tight that I knew it would be more beneficial than another run.

Sunday: Yoga.  This is the first time I’ve been to a studio in over a month.  I almost bailed because it was cold and rainy and the bed sounded so much better.

Monday: Crossfit.  I did a 5am airport run and then made it to the 5:45am class.  I knew I wanted to get in a killer workout before I left because the next couple of days would be busy at home and I wouldn’t spend as much time.  I did.  It was a 10-9-8…1 ladder of pull-ups and thrusters followed by a 400 meter run.

Tuesday and Wednesday: I did a circuit workout at home.  This included abs, pushups, some tricep work, and other random movements.  I’ve been incorporating some of the pure barre moves into my at home workouts recently.  Even though they’re small movements,  I have a few favorites that I feel like really put my body to work.  Both of these days were really busy.  Tuesday, we went to go look at the venue for the wedding.  Wednesday was Christmas.  Since MB’s family also lives in Dallas, I spent the morning with my family before going to spend time with his and then him coming back to spend time with mine.  That is the nice thing about an at home workout.  You can make it as calm or intense as you would like and as short or long as you would like.  Since I was running off of 4-5 hours of sleep both nights with full days, they weren’t as intense as some of my other at home workouts, but they still gave me some energy for the rest of the day.


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Day 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350 , 351

Sooooooo, its been a while since I posted.  Good news, major things have been happening during that time! I finished graduate school.  I officially have an MBA and MPH, and I started working fulltime.  Also, I got engaged! This happened a few weeks ago, but I’m still super excited! So, I’ve also been planning a wedding in addition to finishing school and working.  And, I only have 2 weeks left in this crazy challenge! I can’t believe it has been almost a whole year.  When I started this thing in January, I thought it would never end.  And I really started thinking that around July, but here we are!  I’m so excited to accomplish this.  For those of you wondering, I may take off New Year’s day, but I’m training for the Rock N Roll New Orleans half marathon with some friends so I have no time to slack!!!

Saturday: Circuit.  I was in Dallas during the ice storm and it was a toasty 17 degrees outside.

Sunday: Circuit.  I was still in Dallas so this had to suffice again.

Monday: Bootcamp.  Once I got back to Birmingham, I hit the ground running.

Tuesday: Run.  This was more of a run/walk.  I’ve been running a bit, but haven’t truly ran since my 10k on Thanksgiving.

Wednesday: Crossfit.  It was burpees and thrusters…never a good combination.

Thursday: Pure Barre.  I have a friend that teaches Pure Barre so I try to go to her class from time to time.

Friday: Crossfit.  I went with a couple of lemons.  It was a ladder that worked its way down: 50-40-30-20-10.

Saturday: Walk.  I went for a walk before going into work.

Sunday: Yoga.  My favorite yoga teacher taught store so I had to attend!

Monday: Crossfit.  Since it is close to Christmas, most of the crossfit places are having a 12 days of Christmas workout.  It is just like the song.  You do 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, and so on of different exercises.  I was good the first few rounds, but by round 8 I was dying.  I’m going to try it again at another box on Friday though.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday: Run.  Finally!  My first real run.  I went with my running group BGR.  A quick 3 miles.  It was like I never stopped.  I could have easily done another 2 miles or so and been fine.  I think it is all the crossfit and bootcamp that is helping me out!

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Day 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, and 340

Less than 1 month!!! I’m soooo close.  I only have one week left in school.  Actually, less than one week.  And, only one exam until I am officially done with all of my schooling!!! Then it is time for the real world.  CRAZY!! I’ll be starting my adult job before the year is done.  I tried to take a break from running this week since I had such an intense week last week with two races.  I didn’t quite make it.  I ran Thursday morning for a bit.  Next week, I’ll start back with my routine running regimen.  I am doing the Rock  and Roll New Orleans Half Marathon at the beginning of February with a few friends.  It’ll be my first time there.

Friday: Yoga.  I did yoga in the morning before going to work.

Saturday: Walk.  After leaving work, I went on a walk before watching the Iron Bowl.  What-A-Game!!

Sunday: Yoga.  It was my 3rd day of work for the weekend.  I did in-store yoga once the store closed.  I hadn’t been to this teacher in so long.  I was dying.

Monday: Bootcamp.  I went to the evening bootcamp class.  It was a pyramid of exercises starting at 100 and working my way down to 10.

Tuesday: Walk.  In between work and class I went on a walk in the afternoon.  There was a cold front moving in, which it did, and I wanted to get some outside time before it hit.

Wednesday: Crossfit.  Front squats and sprints to start the day.

Thursday: Run.  I started the day off with a 3 mile run.

Friday: Circuit.  I didn’t have much time so I did a circuit in my house before running errands.

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Day 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, and 332: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving y’all!  There is so much for me to be thankful for, not just today, but everyday of the year.  Plus, it is a day of super good food!  Here’s how I get through the holiday without guilt.  1. Get out and sweat first thing in the morning.  I always like to do a race because it’s fun and it gives you some accountability but a walk/run with your family or a class at the local studio are just as great.  2.  Eat throughout the day.  Don’t save up your calories for that one big meal.  Make sure you eat breakfast.  3.  Don’t over stuff yourself.  Get one plate, eat what you want, and wait a while (at least 20 minutes) before getting seconds.  Chances are you won’t want them.  And they’ll still be there for round 2 later in the day or the next day.  3.  Indulge.  If you eat healthy on a regular basis, one day won’t kill you as long as you do it in moderation.  In fact, it may encourage you to continue strong later.  If you want cake, go for it, just don’t eat the whole thing!

Friday: Yoga video at home

Saturday: Shakeout run before the half marathon

Sunday: Magic City Half Marathon.  It was 28 degrees and super windy.  But I survived! Since I hadn’t ran more than 4 miles in about 3 weeks, that was all I was aiming to do.

Monday: Yoga, abs, foam rolling.  After the race, I wanted to treat my body well for the next few days, especially since I had a 10k coming up on Thanksgiving day.

Tuesday: Pure Barre.

Wednesday: Pure Barre.

Thursday: 10K Thanksgiving Day Race.  It was 25 degrees but not as windy as Sunday.  And, several of my coworkers also ran which was super fun!


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Day 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, and 325

I have about 6 weeks left in my challenge.  Six weeks into my challenge I was running a half marathon and six weeks left, I’m running a half marathon.  Crazy!!!  And here’s what I did the last week or so for sweating!

Wednesday: Yoga.  I went to THE best yoga class.  It was about 45 minutes of intense vinyasa and then 30 minutes of yin yoga.  Yin is a practice of holding really long, slow, and deep poses.  It is perfect to stretch you out from all the running and crossfit.

Thursday: Spin and Yoga.  I got a double win! I did a really intense 30 minutes of spin and then 30 minutes of a very similar Yin yoga.  The perfect balance.

Friday: Pure Barre.  I planned to go to crossfit but I went into work at the last minute so pure barre is what fit into my schedule.

Saturday: Run with BGR.  It has been forever since I’ve run with my BGR group.  It is always great fellowship.

Sunday: Walk. I was working all day, followed by an event at the store so I made sure to do my workout early.

Monday: Run.  I got in a few miles after work and before my small group.

Tuesday: I went to the rec center after work and class and did the elliptical.  I don’t go to the traditional gym very often anymore but it is always nice when I do since it isn’t a regular part of my routine.

Wednesday: Crossfit.  Front squats, 1/2 mile run, dead lifts, and pull-ups to start my day!

Thursday: Run. Today I ran a few miles after work.  The days are getting sooooo short!

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Day 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, and 316

I went to Dallas this past weekend! Such a great weekend and so nice to be home.  I did still make sure I got my workouts in.  1.5 weeks left to my half marathon.  I’ll be so glad when it is done.  I’ll take a couple of weeks break from a training schedule before I start getting ready for New Orleans.

Wednesday: Crossfit.  I went first thing in the morning because I flew out right after work. 

Thursday: Circuit.  MB and I went to John Legend.  He was super good! He sounded just like the CD. 

Friday: Circuit in the morning before a full day. 

Saturday: Run.  After a late night on Friday, I could only run about 3.5 miles Saturday morning.  I was supposed to do 12…I think I’ll live. 

Sunday: Walk on the trail.  As soon as I got back into town, I went for a walk on the trail before going into work.  I also went to yoga after.  I’m so sore in my shoulders from all my downward dogs and chatarangas.  It has been a while. 

Monday: 3 mile run after work. 

Tuesday: D1 Strength class first thing this morning.  I’m going to be sore tomorrow.  It was a lot of upper body, but there was still a good amount of lower body which I liked.  I still felt balanced.   

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Day 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, and 309

I’m finally back to normal this week after feeling sick last week and I’m soooo glad! I have less than a month until my half marathon.  I’ll be glad for it to be over so my training schedule will be done.  However, I will not be free from training schedules because I’ll be gearing up for the next one in February!

Wednesday: Crossfit

Thursday: Walked

Friday: Crossfit

Saturday: Spin

Sunday: Long run of 11 miles.

Monday: Run

Tuesday: Yoga.  Soooo tight.  I need a vinyasa class ASAP…and I need it frequently.  I have 4 more weeks of classes and then my schedule will be more regular.  I may attempt to go on a 7 day yoga bender after my half on the 24th and before I start training for my next half.  I know my body will thank me!

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Day 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, and 302

I have finally reached the 300 mark!! That means I only have 2 months left on this journey.  The last couple of days, I’ve been fighting my first cold of the year (as in 2013).  I rarely get sick, even with colds, and they’re normally gone within a couple of days because I make sure to get plenty of rest.  Treat your body kindly! Yesterday, I went to bed at 8:30, as well as took a 2 hour nap.  I plan to go to bed tonight very soon also.  I’ve also been loving all the vitamin C drinks.  My new favorite Evolution Fresh: Defense Up.  I’m hoping that I’ll be back to my usual self by tomorrow.  I have a good feeling about it!  As for my workouts this past week…

Tuesday: Ran after I got off work.

Wednesday: D1 strength.  I got talked into going to a strength class.  It was my first time, but it was pretty good.

Thursday: Ran after work and a nap.

Friday: Crossfit.  One of the guys from the gym made up the killer workout.  I felt my trapezoids for several days.

Saturday: Walked on the trail after work.  Then I came home and made these amazing spaghetti squash lasagna boats.  Soooooo good.

Sunday: 10 mile long run.  I think this is when I got my cold.  The weather has been crazy! Saturday it was 30 degrees, Sunday I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and crops because it was 70 degrees.  A couple hours after I finished I started to feel my throat and it has been downhill from there.

Monday: Walked.  I was supposed to run, but since I’ve been battling a cold, my body wasn’t quite up to it.  I decided it was best to walk my miles instead of running them.

Tuesday: Elliptical.  I got a sweaty elliptical session in after class.  Just what I needed to wake my body up.

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Day 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, and 294

Alright lovelies! It is midterm week.  What does that mean? My post is even more to the point than usual.  It really is just a list off what I did over the past week…no frills.  Enjoy!  And I’ll have some more substance next time.  On another note, my store is taking the sweat challenge to the Birmingham community.  Starting yesterday, and through the day before Thanksgiving, we’re committing to sweating 40 days consecutively and challenging the Birmingham community to so as well! I’m so excited to see how everyone feels after it!

Monday: Run with a coworker after work.

Tuesday: Run at the rec center.

Wednesday: Crossfit

Thursday: Speedwork after work.

Friday: Spin with coworkers at a new spin studio in town.  One of my coworkers taught it!

Saturday: Bikram.  I finally made good on my promise to do yoga this week! First time in about a month.  I’ll be doing it again this week.  It is just what my body needed.

Sunday: Long run before church.  It is truly winter out there.

Monday: Early morning run with some coworkers.  And winter is here to stay.  No take backs this time! 2 days in a row my run was quite chilly!